Visitors can now experience country life as the government expands short-stay licenses.
Good News! Farmhouse owners can now turn their properties into holiday homes.
The Department of Culture and Tourism– Abu Dhabi updated its licence policy giving an additional income source to the farmhouse owners. Now, the owners will generate income by turning their properties into holiday homes for visitors.
Caravans and RVs (resident vehicles) are already trending amongst travellers visiting the United Arab Emirates.
Property management companies and investors have multiple opportunities for investment and growth as landlords can now have more than one holiday home licence for multiple units.
A statement from Saleh Mohamed Al Geziry, director general for tourism at the department, said, that the expansion will support both Abu Dhabi's hospitality and agri-tourism sections. He added, “As the emirate witnesses substantial tourism growth, we must continue to offer visitors unique and sustainable experiences that reflect our rich heritage and renowned Emirati hospitality.”
The department has a stance towards Emirati-led agri-tourism activities that would result in country experiences for visitors in the United Arab Emirates.
To register properties, landlords can access a manual available on the website of the department. Landlords can begin the process within six months.
The recent years have seen a surge in holiday homes and alternatives to hotel stays in the UAE.
Holiday homes in Dubai are a decade-old trend while Sharjah has launched a framework that would regulate Holiday Homes Project, permitting residents to rent properties for short stays.
A hosting page has been launched to aid understanding of the local rules for holiday homes in Abu Dhabi.
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